Hi, my name is, chka-chka, Slim Shady.
Hi, my name is Archit Chandra. 👋🏽
I am a web designer and front-end developer from Delhi, India and run a boutique web development studio called Greythink Labs. We create easy-to-use websites and web-based applications that focus on getting the user's job done.
My strongest skill is in organising information, architecting content-heavy web applications, and creating intuitive interfaces that are easy for teams to manage and users to interact with.
My most-frequently used tools are good old HTML and CSS, often written using some kind of a templating language and Tailwind CSS, respectively. For content-heavy websites, I prefer to use PHP-based content management systems like Craft CMS and Statamic. My go-to tool for creating smaller websites and prototypes is Eleventy, which I believe is the simplest way to create and manage a website. I mostly add interactions by writing vanilla Javascript code but have lately started incorporating Alpine JS in projects. I have built a few applications using React and Svelte but limit their use to projects where they are truly needed.
I had worked on many large WordPress-based projects earlier. I appreciate WordPress as a fantastic low-cost gateway into web development, but I no longer use it because of the messy and unstructured nature of the system. I’ve often noticed that the upfront cost savings in a WordPress website quickly turn into a bandaid-supported cluster with technical debt, cluttered UX, messy content and regular spending to elongate the life of a sinking ship as the project grows.
I believe I can articulate my thoughts much better through writing. I try to write articles about web development and my life experiences every now and then. I also try to document my day-to-day through a blog series called TW3—an abbreviation of ‘That Was The Week That Was’ (not my original idea). But I’ve now backronymed it to ‘That Was The Whatever That Was’ because of how rarely I get the time to publish new entries.
In a past life, I worked as a generalist in a venture-funded fast-growing tech startup. That experience changed me from being someone who was always running away from software programming to understanding that it had the power to transform ideas into something tangible. I then turned my life around to build a career in software. Fun fact: I wrote my first sincere line of code after the age of 25.
I studied Electronics and Communications Engineering from NSIT, Delhi but that doesn't mean much as I didn't spend enough time studying. I was mostly AWOL, representing my college at trivia quizzes around the city as a part of the NSIT Quiz Club.
In my free time, I love playing sports with family and friends, watching films, supporting Chelsea FC, exploring the rich culture, history and food of Delhi and making small dents in my huge Goodreads reading list.
I am taking on new projects at the moment. You can contact me at arch [at] greythink [dot] in.